
Deep Brain Learning: Evidence-Based Essentials in Education, Treatment, and Youth Development

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Larry K. Brendtro & Martin Mitchell

This volume defines the essential elements in evidence-based approaches as grounded in biosocial needs for Attachment, Achievement, Autonomy, and Altruism. Brain research and positive psychology are combined with practice expertise to provide a blueprint for building strength and resilience in all young people.


This the second of two Deep Brain Learning books from Starr Commonwealth of Albion, Michigan (the first title was released in 2009). This volume defines the essential elements in evidence-based approaches as grounded in biosocial needs for Attachment, Achievement, Autonomy, and Altruism. Brain research and positive psychology are combined with practice expertise to provide a blueprint for building strength and resilience in all young people. A unique feature is that the authors, both former presidents Starr Commonwealth, enrich their book with practice examples from thirty experts in the worldwide reclaiming youth movement. This definition of evidence-based essentials applies to any setting serving children, youth, and families.

Starr Commonwealth (2015). 202 pages.


“A cutting-edge, reader-friendly, astonishingly creative synthesis of cognitive neuroscience, positive psychology, and the classic truths of human development.”
—John C. Gibbs, PhD, The Ohio State University

“Schools struggle to balance competing priorities for achievement, safety, and social-emotional goals. This book gets back to basics and focuses on meeting growth needs to build powerful learning environments.”
—Mary Margaret Wood, EdD, Professor Emerita of Special Education, The University of Georgia

“Treatment professionals have become increasingly dependent on psychotropic medications to manage childhood emotional and behavioral problems. The authors identify essential elements for strength-based interventions that produce lasting change.”
—Christopher Bellonci, MD, Tufts University School of Medicine

“Juvenile justice facilities face the most significant paradigm shift in more than a century. Here is the authoritative guide to this transformation, with science and practice wisdom from experts worldwide.”
—David Roush, PhD, JJ consultant, former professor of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University

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